Belated Publishing Announcement-
Due to the world being turned upside down by Covid-19, I neglected to announce this major accomplishment back in March. Though it has been a few months past, I have to say the pride and excitement I feel about it has not faded a bit, and I am making up for neglecting to post it sooner ----right now.
A personal essay I wrote about the loss of my mother and how the unresolved grief of her tragic demise disconnected me titled, The Thornbird’s Nest, was published this Spring. You can find it in the Spring 2020 edition of the Sequoyah Review, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s semi-annual literary & arts journal.
This publication has been part of the university’s English department since 1965. Named after Tennessee native Sequoyah, known for creating a written alphabet for the Cherokee language in 1821, the journal boosts a selection pool that is limited to UTC attendants from every major ensuring its diversity of genres and artists.
It was a tremendous honor to have my work accepted and published in this prestigious journal. Knowing I am forever recorded in the tomes of my alma mater makes that honor extra sweet! Print copies are available in limited quantities at the university but you can always view the journal online right here:
My piece is on pages 30 - 34, but please pursue the entire journal. There are some amazing writers and artists featured who deserve to be recognized.